Hi there folks, goodmorning! Marit here, to join the woyww-tribe once again. It’s a long time since I played along (november last year I think…) and I’m looking forward to visit the blogs of all participants and see how they’re doing.
First: here’s what my desk looks like this wednesday morning
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Those of you who remember my old blog posts and desk photos may now be surprised: what is this? You had a brown desk, right? And it was in front of the window, right? Yep…at the end of last year I bought new furniture and threw out the old corner desk. It was a great worksheet, yes, but the whole thing was not very flexible and when a friend or student came over, we had to sit next to each other. That felt rather awkwardly, especially when teaching how to bind a book… So I got rid of the old thing and bought me a new desk, new dressers and two smaller tables that I can slide around. Now there’s more flexibility and that was the intention. Mission succesfull, yay!
Here’s the before and after pictures
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I like sitting in that fresh, light corner behind the tables and I still create a lot on the days I don’t have to work… of course most of the time goes into keeping my ‘Chronicles’ art journal up to date. It’s my 15th year/Chronicles journal and it’s there on the table all the time. These are the latest spreads.
Chronicles art journal – Week 8
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Chronicles art journal – Week 9
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Chronicles art journal – Week 10 (with postcard in pocket)
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Chronicles art journal – Week 10 (with postcard out of pocket)
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Besides these Chronicles journal, I do create other spreads, drawings etc. but this post would get too long if I’d show that all to you… so I leave you with these and will go visit YOUR blogposts and desks now… have a lovely day, see ya!